Veterans Affairs (VA) Accredited Attorney
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (USCAVC) Bar Association
Practice before the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (USCAVC)
Member of the State Bars of Maryland, Virginia, and The District of Columbia
Admitted to Practice Law in the Federal Courts of MD, VA, and DC.
Senior Leader with Govenment, Industry and Law 2001 - Present
U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate Generals Corps (Attorney) (Retired) 1997 - 2001
Maryland Army National Guard (Cobra Pilot) 1991 - 1997
U.S. Marine Corps (Ground Tactics Instructor, Cobra Pilot, Forward Air Controller, Embarkation Officer) 1977-1991
U.S. Navy (enlisted) '72
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (MBA '02)
George Mason University School of Law (J.D. '89)
U.S. Naval Academy (BS '77)